23—25 APRIL 2024
23—25 APRIL 2024
23—25 APRIL 2024
23—25 APRIL 2024


The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) promotes teaching and research in CAAD in Asia, and has members on six continents.

It organizes an annual conference, the first of which was held in 1996 in Hong Kong. Since then, 20 conferences have been held in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. The conferences provide an opportunity for teachers, students, researchers, and practitioners to meet each other and learn about the latest research in the field. The proceedings of the conferences are available both online and in research libraries around the world.

CAADRIA was founded with the following objectives:

  • To facilitate the dissemination of information about CAAD among Asian schools of architecture, planning, engineering, and building sciences.
  • To encourage the exchange of staff, students, experience, courseware, and software among schools.
  • To identify research and develop needs in CAAD education and to initiate collaboration to satisfy them.
  • To promote research and teaching in CAAD that enhances creativity rather than production

CAADRIA is one of the four founding organizations of the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC), and supervises one issue each year. IJAC is published by Multi-Science in both paper and electronic versions.


Immanuel Koh

Conference Chair
Assistant Professor (ASD/DAI)

Immanuel Koh is the Hokkien Foundation Career Chair Professor and Assistant Professor in Architecture & Sustainable Design (ASD) and Design & Artificial Intelligence (DAI) at SUTD. Trained at the Architectural Association (AA) and Zaha Hadid Architects in London, he obtained his PhD from the School of Computer Sciences and Institute of Architecture at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). His AI research projects have been supported by AI Singapore, DesignSingapore, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of National Development, and National Arts Council. As a regular keynote speaker, Immanuel has also exhibited internationally (e.g., NeurIPS’ AI & Art Gallery, Venice Architecture Biennale, Victoria & Albert Museum, and Singapore’s Arts House) and published widely (e.g., Architectural Intelligence, AD, ICCV, AAAI, DCC, CAAD Futures, SIGraDi, and eCAADe). Immanuel is a co-founder of Neural Architecture Group and co-curator of He now directs Artificial-Architecture and DesignerlyAI at SUTD and is the author of the book ‘Artificial & Architectural Intelligence in Design’ published in 2020.

Jianxi Luo

Organising committee member
Associate Professor (EPD/DAI)
Data-Driven Innovation Lab

Jianxi Luo holds a PhD in Engineering Systems and SM in Technology and Policy from MIT, and a MS and BE in engineering from Tsinghua University. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of Design and Artificial Intelligence with the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He Directs the Data-Driven Innovation Lab and formerly led the SUTD Technology Entrepreneurship Programme and the Design Innovation, Ventures, and Entrepreneurship Minor. He is a Managing Editor of Journal of Engineering Design, Associate Editor of Design Science, AI EDAM and ASME JCISE, and Executive Committee Member of the Council on Engineering Systems Universities. His work has won various awards from Design Society, ASME, INFORMS, Complex System Society, and so on. Previously, he was a faculty member at New York University, a visiting scholar at Cambridge University and Columbia University.

Jeffrey Chan

Organising committee member
Assistant Professor (HASS/DAI)

Jeffrey Chan is assistant professor in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) cluster and the Design and Artificial Intelligence (DAI) program at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He conducts research and teaching at the intersection of design, ethics and cities. Recently, he has started to focus on mapping the ethical issues and challenges of social robotics in public spaces. He is also author of two books, Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene (2019), and Sharing by Design (2020). His articles have been published in journals, Design Studies, Planning Theory, Landscape and Urban Planning, Built Environment, and AI and Society, among others. His most recent web-article on the ethics of chatbots can be found at:

Sumbul Ahmad Khan

Organising committee member
Senior Research Scientist (DI)

Dr. Sumbul Khan holds a Ph.D. in Computational Design (Architecture) from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Her credentials include a professional B.Arch. degree from the GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India, and an MSc in Architectural Computing Studies from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Her research interests span generative design systems, design science, design cognition and human computer interaction. Dr. Khan has led several research and design consultation projects at the former SUTD-MIT International Design Centre at Singapore University of Technology and Design.  She is experienced in research grant writing involving inter-disciplinary research and is the primary author of two successful grant applications with a combined budget of over 1 million SGD. 

Elissa Hartanto

Organising committee member
Researcher (ASD)

Elissa Hartanto is an Senior Research Assistant in Artificial-Architecture lab at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Previously, Elissa has obtained a Bacholers with Honors in Spatial Design from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, currently known as University of the Arts Singapore. She has since graduated from Masters of Science (Msc.) in Urban Science, Policy and Planning, from Singapore University of Technology and Design, endorsed by Singapore Power – SUTD Graduate Scholarship. Her paper titled ‘Neuro-Participatory Urbanism: Sensing Sentiments and Tracking Perceptions with Machine Learning.’ has also been presented and published in AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES 30 and presented in the City, Public Space and Body conference (Goldsmiths, University of London). She has also presented ‘Generative-Ipse’ for Singapore Design Week 2023, with generative backdrops modifiable by user perception as a new methodology for interior designers.

Stylianos Dritsas

Associate Professor (ASD)
Associate Head of Pillar (Education)

Stylianos Dritsas is a pioneering faculty of Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar and Singapore University of Technology and Design. His research interests are in Design Computation and Digital Fabrication. He develops innovative Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing software, and robotic 3D-Printing systems for large-scale sustainable bio-composites. In the past, he has taught at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Lausanne, the Architectural Association in London. He is a registered Architect Engineer in Greece and Architect in the United Kingdom.

Jason Lim

projects chair

Jason Lim is a lecturer at Architecture and Sustainable Design SUTD and co-founder of YUME Architects. He is a deeply committed and experienced educator who wants to bridge the gap between academia and practice; and has dedicated his professional and academic life to exploring the intersection of design and technology in search of new possibilities. His practice has received the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) design award, iF Design award, Kyoto Global Design award and German Design award in recognition of its design excellence.

Jason completed his doctoral dissertation at Gramazio Kohler Research unit in ETH Zurich. Prior to that, he graduated with a Master of Engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University, where he was awarded the American Institute of Architects Henry Adams merit prize.


Nicole Gardner

The University of New South Wales

Christiane M Herr

Southern University of Science and Technology

Likai Wang

Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University

Sumbul Ahmad Khan

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Hirano Toshiki

The University of Tokyo


The CAADRIA conference is an annual conference for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia ( within the Asia Pacific region. Since 1996, its conferences have been held in a wide range of countries including Singapore, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, China, New Zealand and Thailand.

The conference provides an opportunity for teachers, students, researchers, and practitioners to meet each other and learn about the latest research in the field. The proceedings of the conference will be made available both online and in research libraries around the world and will be indexed in CUMINCAD, a cumulative index of publications about computer aided architectural design.

Contact Details

Conference Organising Committee

Paper Selection Committee

Post-Graduate Student Consortium (PGSC)

Platinum Sponsors


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vel sapien lacinia massa vehicula eleifend. Phasellus tincidunt nunc turpis, vel fringilla libero malesuada ac. Proin at mauris eget ex lacinia aliquet eu id lorem. Curabitur vel mi orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sed bibendum felis. Mauris finibus, dui sit amet aliquet efficitur, mauris nunc blandit risus, ornare porttitor elit dui suscipit eros. Phasellus augue tortor, accumsan at molestie sed, dapibus non eros. Nullam mattis nibh id mi venenatis ultrices. Vestibulum pulvinar urna sit amet enim sollicitudin varius. Donec pulvinar eleifend iaculis. In luctus, elit non ornare maximus, sem sem congue erat, ac laoreet ipsum elit et urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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Platinum Sponsors